
I care about injustice, politics, the earth, the state of the climate, the environment, the wars of aggression, the surveillance state.

I love literature, art and music, without which life has no meaning. I believe it is up to each one us to find meaning and purpose in our life, that it comes from the inside not imposed from the outside.

I know that it is more important to ask the right questions than to have the right answer. If you want to know more about me, the rest of the blog should help, especially Leftovers.

I ask questions – all the time. Sometimes they turn into poems, sometimes screeds.

One of my recent poems has been awarded third prize in the inaugural Proverse international poetry competition. An anthology of the best poems submitted will be published, launch date April 27, 2017, and my poem and one other will be included. After that date, they may be republished and posted on websites. Announcement is here. Stay tuned.


  1. your poem makes me ponder on the “answer” to the question…
    i’m not quite familiar with ozymandias but reading the poem makes me think about life as a mysterious journey that one have to figure out bit by bit…


  2. I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award. To accept the award, visit my post: https://cruisingtheuniverse.wordpress.com/2015/03/24/wow-thoughts-on-my-first-blogging-award/ Love your blog! Your in-depth reviews are very good and are introducing an old musician back to music.Thanks!


  3. Happy to meet you tonight. My name is Desmond. Your blog is awesome and shows your passion on music and arts, keep on and I will follow each music review and share with friends. See you next time !!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Desmond. I enjoying meeting you too. Here’s something that happened after the concert, as I was leaving our row, I again passed the three women who had been sitting there since I arrived. This time I looked closer and saw that one was a famous Hong Kong movie star (鍾楚紅) from the 1980s. I got a very poor quality selfie with her. I admit it, I’m star struck.
      I’m glad you enjoyed the blog. The concert we attended is three weeks out.


  4. Thanks very much for following The Immortal Jukebox. I hope you will enjoy lots of entertaining writing and the wide variety of music. I usually post once a week. Please feel free to add comments. If it’s been a while since you visited come on over and see what’s new! Good luck with your blog. Regards Thom.


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